I used to love wearing heels all the time, and then I started getting terrible foot pain all the time. I visited my podiatrist, and she showed me how much damage I was doing to my feet. She showed me how much better my feet would be able to react if I wore shoes with proper arch support and convinced me to try some sensible shoes. It made such a difference. My boyfriend says I'm a whole new person - a new person who doesn't complain about her aching feet all day long. Now I proudly wear sensible shoes and enjoy my life!
Whether it's through running outdoors or spending all day on your feet, when plantar fasciitis strikes, even an activity as simple as walking becomes irritatingly painful. Your plantar fascia is a thick piece of connective tissue that supports your toes, absorbs shock on behalf of the leg and helps you arch your foot with every step you take. If it undergoes enough damage, little micro-tears can leave you feeling as though you're walking on hot coals, making day-to-day life quite unpleasant. If you're experiencing pain close to your heel when walking, there are ways to tackle the issue yourself before turning to your podiatrist.
Rest your foot and give it a chance to heal
While you can't avoid walking and standing altogether, you can find other ways to give your plantar fascia a rest:
Make sure your shoes fit properly
This is particularly important if you're running or engaging in sports regularly. Lace up shoes provide the best support and it's worth changing your shoes if you're a frequent trainer. If you're taking your sporting activities seriously, consider visiting a sports store where they recommend shoes based on how high your arch is. Your foot's arch is full of tendons and ligaments that play a role in supporting the plantar fascia, so if you provide them with support, it'll benefit too.
Take steps towards reducing inflammation
As the name 'fasciitis' infers, there's an element of inflammation present in this condition. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories act towards reducing inflammation in the immediate area, which means you experience less pain. Ibuprofen is widely available, but if you're unsure as to whether it's safe for you to take, it's a good idea to seek medical advice. In addition, you can create a homemade ice pack and apply it to your foot for 10 minutes at a time. As lower temperatures cause your blood vessels to contract, less fluid gathers in the area, which in turn reduces inflammation.
If you find that taking the conservative approach detailed here doesn't work within three weeks, consider consulting a podiatrist. Useful advances in the world of podiatry include orthotics and specialist exercises are always advancing, placing you on the path to recovery.