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I wear sensible shoes

I used to love wearing heels all the time, and then I started getting terrible foot pain all the time. I visited my podiatrist, and she showed me how much damage I was doing to my feet. She showed me how much better my feet would be able to react if I wore shoes with proper arch support and convinced me to try some sensible shoes. It made such a difference. My boyfriend says I'm a whole new person - a new person who doesn't complain about her aching feet all day long. Now I proudly wear sensible shoes and enjoy my life!

I wear sensible shoes

Treatments to Consider If You Suffer From Metatarsalgia

by Jordan Fernandez

The pain of Metatarsalgia can be treated with a variety of methods. Nerve blocks, physical therapy and even shoe inserts are effective treatments for moderate cases. For more severe cases surgery could be prescribed. On the surgical spectrum, removing the offending bone spur or cartilage spurs is usually reserved for only the most extreme cases that have not responded to other treatment options.

If you suffer from Metatarsalgia and none of these treatments has helped you so far, it might be a good idea to consult with an orthopedic foot surgeon to make sure you rule out more serious complications.

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs 

Temperature changes and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin or acetaminophen can be used to help with your pain and inflammation. You can also try applying ice packs for 20 minutes every hour or so to reduce symptoms caused by fluid build-up.

2. Custom orthotics

If conservative treatment options like icing and NSAIDs don't work, your doctor might prescribe custom-made orthotics or over-the-counter inserts. As a last resort, you can try night splints to relieve your pain.

3. Consider investing in special shoes  

If you're a runner or athlete, there are special shoes available that can help alleviate your pain and injury. Many different types of shoes are available for runners to choose from. Some examples include full-length running shoe inserts, arch supports, stability shoes or spikes for athletes who play sports such as track and field.

4. Physical therapy will always help

Physical therapy is another way to combat Metatarsalgia. This involves using a variety of different types of exercises for your foot and lower leg to help strengthen the muscle groups for your feet and lower legs. If you suffer from arthritis, physical therapy can help provide some relief from pain and increase your range of motion.

If you have a minor case of Metatarsalgia that doesn't require surgery and you decide to go the route of physical therapy, look for a clinic or doctor that specializes in hands-on physical therapy.

5. Cortisone injections

Cortisone injections are another form of non-invasive treatment for pain from Metatarsalgia. This is especially true if a spur or malformation has occurred that affects the tissue around your metatarsal joint. The cortisone shot will help stop the pain and swelling from occurring until the area can heal properly on its own.

If you don't respond well to these treatments, it's possible that you might need surgery to fix your problem with Metatarsalgia. For more information, contact a local medical professional like an NDIS podiatry provider.
